Poetry from the Depths of My Soul

Don’t know if I’ll ever love anyone the way I love you.

But I will love. Because I am love.

I will release you so that I can live a present life and call in that love, whatever form it may take.

Perhaps I’ll live with your memory forever. And that would be enough.

Or perhaps in some place, at some time, your love will come back to me again.

I cherish it either way.

As I transform

The fire is lit to adventure out as this new person

With the innocence of clarity.

That’s what will allow me to reach for the world, attain my desires.

Because I’m moving from my convictions

Rooted in my truths

And holding onto the spark that makes me human, feeling,

Ever aware of the joys that keep me alive.

Shaken out of that false sense of comfort and complacency with my life

Making small steps out of fear, not thinking big

Crawling forever like a baby

Now, I’m here feeling into the beyond, watching myself grow past my edges

And only imagining the potentials of what’s next

Standing on a precipice with clarity, excitement, and wonder…

How I ever thought I could just stay put where I was…

The steadiness is built in increments

In practices

In the seemingly mundane day to days that add up to the arc of my purpose

My lifetime.

My foundation is built upon me

And all that I seek upon this foundation.

Taurus season is teaching me this stillness of form

This stability through which the rote becomes magical

The habit sheer bliss

The routine a song in harmony with nature and life itself.

I shed and I move forward in my evolution

Clearing the karma, transforming, rising again and again


Knowing my truth

Feeling into the vision of all that I see in my heart

Expressing my truth with love and fearlessness

Creating and exploring this world

One painting at a time.

How can I truly BE love

Truly be present

Truly live

If I don’t release into now?

I am merely me

With no control

With all the love

And I can only truly receive everything around me.

I cannot meddle

I cannot force

And I cannot truly receive, nor be open to receive if I do not allow.

Allow shifts

Allow people

Allow my heart to feel

Allow chances

Allow the water to flow and recognize its power

It’s nature, its beauty.

Open up. 

You’re safe enough. 

Because YOU are safe. 

And they will feel it and bask in your glow. 

Give you room to expand in love. Feel the moment. 

You’re safe. 

You can love and give and feel. 

He will always respond. 

And if he doesn’t, if he forgets... it’s because you forgot. 

But it’s always there. 

The love. 

Just have to source it deeper next time.

Burning up a clearing of my body and my love.

The same way the Phoenix sheds to regrow anew.

Purified through my light I stand tall

A figure on a precipice between dark and light

Peak and valley

Forgotten and remembered.

I remember now what my nature is

I remember my body, my love

I remember how to open to this light without burning out

Because I burn within and I trust it

All that I’m creating depends upon this light.

This light standing with my feline roar

The core of my purpose, my energy.

My energy a flame to behold, one that magnifies all that it touches.

I trust my light. I come to know my light, for it is the light of my heart.

I hear myself

I see myself

I know myself

Because I feel myself

My fire

My flame

My light

My love

Love in its purified form

Renewed and open…

I am new

I am whole

I am fire

I am love

I am spirit

I am a blaze of my own light

An expression of the divine

And so it is my duty to share that divinity 

And ripple the flames outward for everyone to capture.

We are all the flame.

Leaving the mind behind.

I sit by the fire tonight

Not because I’m supposed to

Not because it’s scheduled.

The flames make me dance

I see myself in their reflections

I’m drawn to my own inner light





Allowing myself to breathe life into my soul

Allowing the past to be the past

Allowing all stories to evaporate into the smoke I see before me.

Was I ever truly alive?

Audrey Tesserot